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kitahelpingKITA Kids has been positively affecting Kids for many years.

To find out what Kids are saying about KITA, click here.

"The Three KITA Rules provide children who receive this information with simple yet effective tools they can use on a daily basis to help them make decisions, something many adults wished they had learned to do a long time ago."

Beverlee Chasse, M.C., Counseling Affiliates of Scottsdale, Arizona

"The Three KITA Rules had a positive impact on my students both socially and academically. . . . The Rules also made it easier for the children to make better decisions for themselves both in and out of school. . . . I often refer back to the THree KITA Rules, which are posted on my wall."

Sue Pirkel, third grade teacher, Pappas Elementary School (school for children of homeless families), Phoenix, Arizona

"This program presents to our children what they so very much need in their lives–positive attitudes and positive ways to deal with negative situations. The children have embraced the Three KITA Rules, and use them on a daily basis. . . .KITA is refreshing, educational, and encouraging to all types of kids. . . .I recommend this program to any organization that cares for the welfare of children. . . . It is a vital program that needs to continue. I sincerely hope that it will."

Grace Law, fourth grade teacher, Pappas Elementary School

"KITA is a "character" that all can relate to regardless of sex, race, or religion. The rules are easy to remember for younger and older learners. . . . I look forward to seeing KITA become a household word."

Vanette Dunn, Principal, Shea Middle School, Phoenix, Arizona

squaretalking"I was in the classroom during the KITA class to watch the class recite the KITA rules and participate in the diversity lesson. Your presenter, materials, and methodology were outstanding. Thank you for performing this valuable community service. The KITA children will remember the positive messages they received from the program. KITA will have far-reaching and lasting results."

Sheriff Joseph M. Arpaio/Thelda Williams, Maricopa County

"I believe many more children as well as teachers would benefit from [the KITA] program. It fostered students' self-esteem and made them feel more in control of their decisions. The teachers agree that it is an age-appropriate program and is a great addition to teaching life skills in our health curriculum."

Bernice I. Villa, third grade teacher, Emerson Elementary, Phoenix, Arizona

"Your program sends a valuable message to children regarding their own worth and the importance of believing in themselves."

Emily Wyatt, fourth grade teacher, Zuni Elementary School, Scottsdale, Arizona

tritalking"After your first visit to our classroom, I noticed my students relating situations in their life to KITA's ideas. They readily discussed how KITA would handle a situation and began implementing the idea of making responsible choices, having a positive attitude, and believing in themselves."

Loreen Leitzen, third grade teacher, Zuni Elementary School, Scottsdale, Arizona


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